
First Name

Komatsu Hiroaki



Speaker's Information

Speaker Bio

Komatsu Hiroaki lives and practices in Kyoto. He’s a graduate of the Butsugen Acupuncture College in Kyoto and is licensed as a massage therapist. He studied sotai with Maruzumi Kazuo, a disciple of Hashimoto Keizo MD, among many others. He opened his clinic, Akatoki An, in 2010. He has taught  seminars in Italy, the US, and Japan, where he is known as “the hub airport of Sotai.” He is also a videographer and produces teaching materials. His DVD,  The Secrets of Japanese Manual Medicine – Sotai Intuitivo I, is available through Blue Poppy. His recently published Kindle ebook Difficulty Talking to Others? How to Relax and Keep Face, is available through Amazon.

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