All About Tears

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When treating emotions in Chinese medicine, it is essential to understand the role of tears.  In this free course, Dr Yair Maimon highlights tears’ essential components and meaning in Chinese medicine.

Humans, by nature, live between heaven and earth.  We are constantly experiencing heaven and earth, are being influenced by them, and have the inherent capacity for both.  And, our unique connection to the heart through Shen enables us to express who we are as humans. 

Tears almost always relate to the heart in one way or another.  The heart is the unique concentrated essence of the Zang, and the eyes are its orifice. Thus when a human has virtue, the qi in the eyes is harmonious.  

The eye area near Bladder 1 contains the most connections to the channels in the body.  It is a crossing point for the urinary bladder, the small intestine, the stomach, yin Qiao, and yang Qiao meridians.  Our eyes are involved in our day and night awareness, being in tune with natural cycles, the way we experience and grow in the world, and the yang Jing, which is your own story. 

Different types of tears can relate to varying emotions like pain, compassion, and healing.  Tears from specific emotions can be connected to their spirit or Zang organ.  For example, tears of frustration are from the liver, as are tears of hope towards a bright future.  The heart produces tears of joy and laughter, loneliness, and longing for oneness.  

This free course gives a bit more of a nuanced understanding of the production of tears in Chinese medicine.  Great little addition to the course on Depression and its treatment with acupuncture.  

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