Courses ALL COURSES Search AlphabeticalNewly Created All Categories5 ElementsAcupunctureAcupuncture PointsAdjacent Modalities/TreatmentsAllopathic MedicineAncient TextsChinese HerbologyDiagnosisDigestive IssuesEthicsExtra VesselsGynecology/Women HealthIntegrative MedicineJapanese MedicineKampoMoxibustionNutritionOncologyOrthopedyPainPediatricsProfessional EnhancementResearch/Evidence Based MedicineShenTCMTCM Talks/Inspiration & More All InstructorsAcupuncture Now FoundationAlaine D. Duncan, M.Ac., L.Ac., Dipl.Ac.Alexandra Schmidt-Kirchhoff, Dipl.AcAmos Ziv L.AcBob Quinn, DAOM, LAcBrechtje SebregtsCAM TEAMCT Holman, M.S., L.Ac.Charles BuckClare FoleyDaniel Bensky, DO.Danny BlythDanny Van LaethemDavid HartmannDeborah Woolf, LicAc, MBAcC, MADeirdre CourtneyDr Hartung MD & Dr Maimon PhDDr Julian Scott PhD, Ac.Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel MDDr Santhosshi Narayan MDDr Yan Liu PhDDr. Bartosz Chmielnicki MDDr. Beverley de Valois, PhDDr. Butch Levy MD, L.AcDr. Edward NealDr. Gil Barzilay PhDDr. Hamid Montakab MDDr. Hui Zhang, PhDDr. Ilias Christidis MDDr. Jaden KimDr. John McDonald, PhDDr. Julia Hartung MDDr. Maimon & Dr. Hartung MDDr. Maimon & OA TeamDr. Michael Weber, M.D.Dr. Michelle Hamilton, L.Ac.Dr. Misha Cohen OMDDr. Netanella Miller MD & Keren SelaDr. Nguyen Hong, MD, M.ScDr. Olivia Pojer MDDr. Qing HUANG PhD, MMed, BMedDr. Reginaldo de Carvalho Silva Filho, PhDDr. Stephen Birch PhDDr. Tom Fleischer Ph.D, Dip.CMDr. Umberto Mazzanti MD, Acupuncturist, OsteopathDr. Yair Maimon PhD OMD Ac.Dr. Zhen Dominique HertzerElisabeth Rochat de la ValléeEric Raymond BuckleyEva-Marie JaneloEvan RabinowitzEyal ShpringerFelip CaudetGil Ton Ph.DGiovanni MaciociaGuy, TCM AcademyHadassah Hilewitz, ND, MS, FABNOHasina ErderHila YaffeHila Yaffe & Orit ZilbermanICCM2021Iman Majd MD, MS, L.Ac ABoIMIris AbarbanelIzabela MietkaJ. Ross & L. Tan-Bleinroth MDJennifer A. M. Stone MSOM, LAcJeremy RossJhonathan Ronen Dip C.M (I.A TCM)John Scott, DOM , Dipl.Ac.Karine KedarKatherine Taromina, DACM., L.Ac.Kelly HarringtonKeren SelaLaurie Regan, ND, PhDLillian Pearl BridgesLorie Eve DecharLouis GordonMaria JeskanenMarian Nielsen JoosMartine CornelissenMatthew Bauer, L.Ac., Dipl. O.M.Matthew WeitzmanMaya Suzuki, L.Ac.Mel Hopper Koppelman, DAc, MScMichael BrownMichael FitzGerald L.Ac.Michelle Bombacie & Kenna BouvetMiriam Raich & Anat TzacharNienke Stoop, MD, MAc,Nik HaverkampNora Giese, MScOfir MichaelisOshri Zisman Dipl. CM (I.A.TCM)Patricia BockPedro AlbuquerquePeter DeadmanPeter MolePeter Mole & Danny BlythPeter TorssellPhilipp HaasProf. Elad Schiff, MDProf. Gilad Amiel MDProf. Heiner Fruehauf Ph.D., L.Ac.Prof. Paul UnschuldProf. Qiang Cao & Dr. Yun XiaoProf. Xiaoshu ZhuProfessor Noah Samuels MDRachel Cheng, RCMP (Hong Kong)Rachel Pagones, DAOM, LAcRani AyalRebecca AvernRebecca Avern & Dr Yair Maimon PhDRobert Hayden, DACM, LAcSandro Graca, Lic. TCMSharon Bar-GilShaun Goodman, Dipl. Ac.Shay SharabiTCM AcademyTirza Paytan SelaTzafrir Nachmani Dip. AcWayne Jonas, M.D.Weidong Lu, MB, MPH, PHDYael Saslove L.AcYu Guo-JunZ'ev Rosenberg旭亮 Liam Yan 1 Section Acupuncture Point Dynamics: A Point Selection Approach Informed by Historical Clinical Evidence Dr. John McDonald, PhD This Course provides a short review of the historical acupuncture literature which provides a rich source of clinical information to inform acupuncture point selection. 1 Section Connecting with Tōng, a Fundamental Concept in TEAM Daniel Bensky, DO. The word tōng, usually translated as “open” or “penetrate through”, is one of the fundamental concepts in Chinese medicine. In this TCM Talk Mr. Dan Bensky will introduce some of the ways that a proper understanding of this term can help in the understanding and practice of East Asian medicine. 1 Section Discussing Explanations of Channels and Points Michael Brown This text, (circa. 17th century) is an extremely unique text in the way that it analyses acupuncture points, names, and diseases which sets it apart from any other text pre-1911. CEU/CPD 5 Sections Emotional Healing in the Way of Wang Fengyi Laurie Regan, ND, PhD This course provides a rare overview of this system by a Western practitioner, including individual case studies from 8 years of “true nature” group work. CEU/CPD 2 Sections Fear/Anxiety Will Affect All Zang-Organs Dominique Hertzer In this course, Dr. phil. Dominique Hertzer uses classical medical texts to explore the characteristics of the emotion, "fear/anxiety", as the most unique of all emotions, based on the Daoist concept of fear/anxiety and its philosophical approach to deal with it. CEU/CPD 1 Section Inner Flow: Circulation of Qi and Vital Essences Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée In this course, according to Classical Chinese medical texts, Elisabeth Rochat De LaVallée explains the character of 脈, Mai – vessel, vital circulation – in Chinese Medicine. CEU/CPD 1 Section Jing: A Study of the Meridians in the Ancient Texts Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée Taking us through the ancient text Elisabeth Rochat de laVallée reveals to us the different meanings in which 經 can be understood and enlarge our understanding of the concept of Meridians. CEU/CPD 1 Section Journey Through 2000 Years of Yin-Yang Harmonisation (Tiao He) Charles Buck In this course Charles Buck outlines a narrative of the greats of the Chinese medicine tradition from beginnings to modern times. To spice things up Charlie focuses on a few key herb prescriptions and the way that these represent Chinese medicine’s harmonisation idea. This is not a heavy herbalists course, the narrative should be easily followed by those without a CHM training. The common thread that connects the session is the ancient idea of yin-yang harmonisation (tiao he 调和) and we see how this ideal was achieved in different ways, in different styles and in different formulas. CEU/CPD 2 Sections Journey to Paradise: Immortality, Hun and Po Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée While following Elisabeth Rochat de la Valleé through the symbols of the incredibly well preserved Ma Wang Dui Funeral Banner, a beautiful piece of art, we learn about a classical view of dimensions and the journey of a deceased lady on her way to Paradise. The knowledge and understanding presented by Elisabeth Rochat de la Valleé serves as background and context to our everyday work in clinic. 1 Section LI 禮 Rituals Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée Too often the traditional meaning of the Chinese «li 禮» Rituals is misunderstood. This course explores the true meaning of this essential concept in Chinese traditional thought and life. CEU/CPD 5 Sections Liver from the Ground Up Deborah Woolf, LicAc, MBAcC, MA This course provides a fresh look at the Liver in Chinese Medicine through the Chinese characters to reveal their meaning through readings text parts dealing with the Liver from Suwen 2, Suwen 4 and Suwen 8. These texts will illustrate the qualities of the organ. CEU/CPD 7 Sections Male and Female Archetypes within the 12 Organ Networks Prof. Heiner Fruehauf Ph.D., L.Ac. This course explores some of the premier gender archetypes among this pantheon of 12 functional “gods”. 1 Section MING 明 Light Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée Through a choice of texts coming from different schools, Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée elucidates the classical understanding of MING 明 Light. 1 Section New Insights Into the Ancient Treasures of Chinese Medicine Prof. Paul Unschuld For the first time, Prof. Unschuld presents his translation of the Ben Cao Gang Mu, the apex of pre-modern Chinese pharmaceutical-therapeutic literature and the most extensive compendium on herbs, animals, and minerals ever written during the imperial age. CEU/CPD 2 Sections Numerology in the Classics: Unfolding the Mystery of Life Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée In this first of a kind course Élisabeth Rochat de la Vallée explores the meaning of numbers in ancient Chinese texts and explains the correlations of numbers in Chinese medicine. 1 Section Prescribing Poisons for Healing? A Lesson from Traditional Chinese Pharmacy Dr Yan Liu PhD This talk explores the ways physicians, religious devotees, court officials, and laypeople used powerful substances to both treat intractable illnesses and enhance life. It illustrates how the Chinese concept of du—a word carrying a core meaning of “potency”—led practitioners to devise a variety of techniques to transform dangerous poisons into efficacious medicines. 1 Section SHAN 善 Good Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée In this course Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée focuses on the answer given in Daoist texts as the Daodejing and explore the link between shan 善 and non-acting (wu wei 無為). CEU/CPD 2 Sections Sovereign and Ministerial Fire in the Classics Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée The Fire has multiple aspects, being for instance one of the Five elements (or phases) as well as a pathological evil Qi. As one of the Five elements (or phases), it presents a double aspect: the sovereign fire and the ministerial fire. In this class, we focus on this double expression of the Fire in the heart. 1 Section The Anatomical Identity of the Spleen in Chinese Medicine Dr. Tom Fleischer Ph.D, Dip.CM 1 Section The Ben Cao Gang Mu by Li Shizhen Prof. Paul Unschuld The Ben Cao Gang Mu by Li Shizhen A Webinar By Prof. Paul Unschuld You can further learn with Prof. Unschuld and/or support his life… CEU/CPD 2 Sections The Diagnostic Model of the Shang Han Lun: Dynamic vs. Symptom Hila Yaffe Despite the fact it was written over 2000 years ago, the insights expressed in this text, are still relevant to the understanding of human physiology and pathology in modern times. Understanding the underlying mechanism of disease reveals deep and useful insights related to a large variety of disorders, including those not directly mentioned in the text. 1 Section The Importance of Classics Studies for Clinical Practice of Acupuncture Dr. Reginaldo de Carvalho Silva Filho, PhD Understand The Importance of Classics Studies for Clinical Practice of Acupuncture CEU/CPD 1 Section The San Jiao Organ has Finally Been Discovered; Science Calls it the Interstitium Louis Gordon Gordon discusses in detail how a dozen physiological and anatomical correspondences exist between the newly-discovered Interstitium and the ancient TCM San Jiao, confirming they are one-and-the-same. CEU/CPD 4 Sections The Secrets of Qi: The Concept of Qi in Ancient Texts Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée In this course Elisabeth walks us through the process of evolving notions through time, and points to crucial understandings of what the terms of different kinds of Qi mean, manifesting in our patients (Ying and Wei Qi, Zong and Yuan Qi, Zheng and Xie Qi). 1 Section The Source of All Healing Prof. Heiner Fruehauf Ph.D., L.Ac. In this highly visual TCM Talk, Prof. Fruehauf not only retraces the concept of the center in Chinese medicine, but outlines concrete clinical methods and lineages that focus on revitalizing the body’s central healing power. 1 Section Thought on the Character 治 Zhi | Treatment Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée In this short free lecture, senior sinologist Rochat de la Vallée explores the meaning of one of the most fundamental concepts in the world of medicine - treatment. CEU/CPD 3 Sections Thunderfire Miraculous Needling: An Actual Secret Charles Buck Learn how to add this powerful method into our therapeutic armoury, using moxa sticks as they were originally intended. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Understanding the 7 Po: A Life’s Mystery and its Clinical Meaning Dominique Hertzer Understanding Inner Alchemy enables us to interpret mental disorders in terms of the human soul and the dynamic relationship of the Hun 魂 and Po 魄. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Understanding the San Jiao in the Classics Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée The San Jiao is a special organ, sometimes difficult to apprehend. The Chinese vision is multiple and complex. This lecture is created to help the practitioner to understand the San Jiao in an easier and more practical way. We will explore the San Jiao and the relationship between Pre Heaven and Post Heaven, Kidneys and Heart, Water and Fire, Qi and fluids. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Working with Dreams in Chinese Medicine Dr. Hamid Montakab MD Much of Dr. Montakab's nearly 50 years of experience practising Chinese Medicine have been dedicated to sleep and dreams. In this course, he shares his insight into the psychological and Chinese theories of dreams and how to use dreams as diagnostic and therapeutic tools in the clinic. CEU/CPD 3 Sections Wu Wei 無為: Non-Acting in Daodejing Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée, world renown sinologist, teaches in this course the term Wu Wei 無為: Non-Acting from the Taoist view. CEU/CPD 3 Sections Xing Ming (性命) – The Nature and Destiny of a Human Being Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée Health cannot be understood without a reference to one’s original or true nature; the inborn dispositions give anyone their robustness and their fragility which have to be known by the patient to conduct correctly their life and buy the practitioner to establish an accurate diagnosis and apply an appropriate treatment. 1 Section XING 形 TI 體 SHEN 身 – The Body in the Classics Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée In the course Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée explores the three main characters for the body, from 3 different perspectives: a form (xing 形), an organism (ti 體) & the support of a personal life (shen 身). CEU/CPD 1 Section Yin Yang and Unity Consciousness in Chinese Medicine Prof. Heiner Fruehauf Ph.D., L.Ac. This course explores two essential concepts in Chinese medicine and their relationship: Shen-ming (Light of Spirit) and Yin-Yang. Throughout the discussion, we illuminate various archetypal organ systems in Chinese medicine, examining them in terms of their roles in Yin-Yang differentiation and central unification. CEU/CPD 19 Sections Zangfu from the Ground Up: The Qualities and Movements of the Zangfu Organs Deborah Woolf, LicAc, MBAcC, MA This course provides a fresh look at Chinese Medicine through the Chinese characters to reveal their meaning. Guided by Deborah Woolf Lic Ac, a keen acupuncturist and enthusiastic lecturer with over 15 years of experience, this course focuses on texts dealing with the twelve Zangfu from Suwen 2, Suwen 4 and Suwen 8. These texts will illustrate the qualities of each organ. No previous knowledge of the Chinese language/characters is necessary! But you will gain some. CEU/CPD 3 Sections Ziran 自然 – Natural and Spontaneous State Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée Through a choice of texts from different schools, Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée elucidates the classical understanding of Ziran. 1 Section Acupuncture Point Dynamics: A Point Selection Approach Informed by Historical Clinical Evidence Dr. John McDonald, PhD This Course provides a short review of the historical acupuncture literature which provides a rich source of clinical information to inform acupuncture point selection. 1 Section Connecting with Tōng, a Fundamental Concept in TEAM Daniel Bensky, DO. The word tōng, usually translated as “open” or “penetrate through”, is one of the fundamental concepts in Chinese medicine. In this TCM Talk Mr. Dan Bensky will introduce some of the ways that a proper understanding of this term can help in the understanding and practice of East Asian medicine. 1 Section Discussing Explanations of Channels and Points Michael Brown This text, (circa. 17th century) is an extremely unique text in the way that it analyses acupuncture points, names, and diseases which sets it apart from any other text pre-1911. CEU/CPD 5 Sections Emotional Healing in the Way of Wang Fengyi Laurie Regan, ND, PhD This course provides a rare overview of this system by a Western practitioner, including individual case studies from 8 years of “true nature” group work. CEU/CPD 2 Sections Fear/Anxiety Will Affect All Zang-Organs Dominique Hertzer In this course, Dr. phil. Dominique Hertzer uses classical medical texts to explore the characteristics of the emotion, "fear/anxiety", as the most unique of all emotions, based on the Daoist concept of fear/anxiety and its philosophical approach to deal with it. CEU/CPD 1 Section Inner Flow: Circulation of Qi and Vital Essences Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée In this course, according to Classical Chinese medical texts, Elisabeth Rochat De LaVallée explains the character of 脈, Mai – vessel, vital circulation – in Chinese Medicine. CEU/CPD 1 Section Jing: A Study of the Meridians in the Ancient Texts Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée Taking us through the ancient text Elisabeth Rochat de laVallée reveals to us the different meanings in which 經 can be understood and enlarge our understanding of the concept of Meridians. CEU/CPD 1 Section Journey Through 2000 Years of Yin-Yang Harmonisation (Tiao He) Charles Buck In this course Charles Buck outlines a narrative of the greats of the Chinese medicine tradition from beginnings to modern times. To spice things up Charlie focuses on a few key herb prescriptions and the way that these represent Chinese medicine’s harmonisation idea. This is not a heavy herbalists course, the narrative should be easily followed by those without a CHM training. The common thread that connects the session is the ancient idea of yin-yang harmonisation (tiao he 调和) and we see how this ideal was achieved in different ways, in different styles and in different formulas. CEU/CPD 2 Sections Journey to Paradise: Immortality, Hun and Po Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée While following Elisabeth Rochat de la Valleé through the symbols of the incredibly well preserved Ma Wang Dui Funeral Banner, a beautiful piece of art, we learn about a classical view of dimensions and the journey of a deceased lady on her way to Paradise. The knowledge and understanding presented by Elisabeth Rochat de la Valleé serves as background and context to our everyday work in clinic. 1 Section LI 禮 Rituals Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée Too often the traditional meaning of the Chinese «li 禮» Rituals is misunderstood. This course explores the true meaning of this essential concept in Chinese traditional thought and life. CEU/CPD 5 Sections Liver from the Ground Up Deborah Woolf, LicAc, MBAcC, MA This course provides a fresh look at the Liver in Chinese Medicine through the Chinese characters to reveal their meaning through readings text parts dealing with the Liver from Suwen 2, Suwen 4 and Suwen 8. These texts will illustrate the qualities of the organ. CEU/CPD 7 Sections Male and Female Archetypes within the 12 Organ Networks Prof. Heiner Fruehauf Ph.D., L.Ac. This course explores some of the premier gender archetypes among this pantheon of 12 functional “gods”. 1 Section MING 明 Light Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée Through a choice of texts coming from different schools, Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée elucidates the classical understanding of MING 明 Light. 1 Section New Insights Into the Ancient Treasures of Chinese Medicine Prof. Paul Unschuld For the first time, Prof. Unschuld presents his translation of the Ben Cao Gang Mu, the apex of pre-modern Chinese pharmaceutical-therapeutic literature and the most extensive compendium on herbs, animals, and minerals ever written during the imperial age. CEU/CPD 2 Sections Numerology in the Classics: Unfolding the Mystery of Life Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée In this first of a kind course Élisabeth Rochat de la Vallée explores the meaning of numbers in ancient Chinese texts and explains the correlations of numbers in Chinese medicine. 1 Section Prescribing Poisons for Healing? A Lesson from Traditional Chinese Pharmacy Dr Yan Liu PhD This talk explores the ways physicians, religious devotees, court officials, and laypeople used powerful substances to both treat intractable illnesses and enhance life. It illustrates how the Chinese concept of du—a word carrying a core meaning of “potency”—led practitioners to devise a variety of techniques to transform dangerous poisons into efficacious medicines. 1 Section SHAN 善 Good Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée In this course Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée focuses on the answer given in Daoist texts as the Daodejing and explore the link between shan 善 and non-acting (wu wei 無為). CEU/CPD 2 Sections Sovereign and Ministerial Fire in the Classics Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée The Fire has multiple aspects, being for instance one of the Five elements (or phases) as well as a pathological evil Qi. As one of the Five elements (or phases), it presents a double aspect: the sovereign fire and the ministerial fire. In this class, we focus on this double expression of the Fire in the heart. 1 Section The Anatomical Identity of the Spleen in Chinese Medicine Dr. Tom Fleischer Ph.D, Dip.CM 1 Section The Ben Cao Gang Mu by Li Shizhen Prof. Paul Unschuld The Ben Cao Gang Mu by Li Shizhen A Webinar By Prof. Paul Unschuld You can further learn with Prof. Unschuld and/or support his life… CEU/CPD 2 Sections The Diagnostic Model of the Shang Han Lun: Dynamic vs. Symptom Hila Yaffe Despite the fact it was written over 2000 years ago, the insights expressed in this text, are still relevant to the understanding of human physiology and pathology in modern times. Understanding the underlying mechanism of disease reveals deep and useful insights related to a large variety of disorders, including those not directly mentioned in the text. 1 Section The Importance of Classics Studies for Clinical Practice of Acupuncture Dr. Reginaldo de Carvalho Silva Filho, PhD Understand The Importance of Classics Studies for Clinical Practice of Acupuncture CEU/CPD 1 Section The San Jiao Organ has Finally Been Discovered; Science Calls it the Interstitium Louis Gordon Gordon discusses in detail how a dozen physiological and anatomical correspondences exist between the newly-discovered Interstitium and the ancient TCM San Jiao, confirming they are one-and-the-same. CEU/CPD 4 Sections The Secrets of Qi: The Concept of Qi in Ancient Texts Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée In this course Elisabeth walks us through the process of evolving notions through time, and points to crucial understandings of what the terms of different kinds of Qi mean, manifesting in our patients (Ying and Wei Qi, Zong and Yuan Qi, Zheng and Xie Qi). 1 Section The Source of All Healing Prof. Heiner Fruehauf Ph.D., L.Ac. In this highly visual TCM Talk, Prof. Fruehauf not only retraces the concept of the center in Chinese medicine, but outlines concrete clinical methods and lineages that focus on revitalizing the body’s central healing power. 1 Section Thought on the Character 治 Zhi | Treatment Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée In this short free lecture, senior sinologist Rochat de la Vallée explores the meaning of one of the most fundamental concepts in the world of medicine - treatment. CEU/CPD 3 Sections Thunderfire Miraculous Needling: An Actual Secret Charles Buck Learn how to add this powerful method into our therapeutic armoury, using moxa sticks as they were originally intended. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Understanding the 7 Po: A Life’s Mystery and its Clinical Meaning Dominique Hertzer Understanding Inner Alchemy enables us to interpret mental disorders in terms of the human soul and the dynamic relationship of the Hun 魂 and Po 魄. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Understanding the San Jiao in the Classics Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée The San Jiao is a special organ, sometimes difficult to apprehend. The Chinese vision is multiple and complex. This lecture is created to help the practitioner to understand the San Jiao in an easier and more practical way. We will explore the San Jiao and the relationship between Pre Heaven and Post Heaven, Kidneys and Heart, Water and Fire, Qi and fluids. CEU/CPD 4 Sections Working with Dreams in Chinese Medicine Dr. Hamid Montakab MD Much of Dr. Montakab's nearly 50 years of experience practising Chinese Medicine have been dedicated to sleep and dreams. In this course, he shares his insight into the psychological and Chinese theories of dreams and how to use dreams as diagnostic and therapeutic tools in the clinic. CEU/CPD 3 Sections Wu Wei 無為: Non-Acting in Daodejing Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée, world renown sinologist, teaches in this course the term Wu Wei 無為: Non-Acting from the Taoist view. CEU/CPD 3 Sections Xing Ming (性命) – The Nature and Destiny of a Human Being Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée Health cannot be understood without a reference to one’s original or true nature; the inborn dispositions give anyone their robustness and their fragility which have to be known by the patient to conduct correctly their life and buy the practitioner to establish an accurate diagnosis and apply an appropriate treatment. 1 Section XING 形 TI 體 SHEN 身 – The Body in the Classics Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée In the course Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée explores the three main characters for the body, from 3 different perspectives: a form (xing 形), an organism (ti 體) & the support of a personal life (shen 身). CEU/CPD 1 Section Yin Yang and Unity Consciousness in Chinese Medicine Prof. Heiner Fruehauf Ph.D., L.Ac. This course explores two essential concepts in Chinese medicine and their relationship: Shen-ming (Light of Spirit) and Yin-Yang. Throughout the discussion, we illuminate various archetypal organ systems in Chinese medicine, examining them in terms of their roles in Yin-Yang differentiation and central unification. CEU/CPD 19 Sections Zangfu from the Ground Up: The Qualities and Movements of the Zangfu Organs Deborah Woolf, LicAc, MBAcC, MA This course provides a fresh look at Chinese Medicine through the Chinese characters to reveal their meaning. Guided by Deborah Woolf Lic Ac, a keen acupuncturist and enthusiastic lecturer with over 15 years of experience, this course focuses on texts dealing with the twelve Zangfu from Suwen 2, Suwen 4 and Suwen 8. These texts will illustrate the qualities of each organ. No previous knowledge of the Chinese language/characters is necessary! But you will gain some. CEU/CPD 3 Sections Ziran 自然 – Natural and Spontaneous State Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée Through a choice of texts from different schools, Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée elucidates the classical understanding of Ziran.