3 Frequently Asked Questions & 3 Top Tips When Treating Cancer Patients

3 Frequently Asked Questions & 3 Top Tips When Treating Cancer Patients

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Our experts answer the most frequent questions about the treatment of cancer patients and share their top tips in cancer care.

Most cancer patients face many different problems, whether they are symptoms from cancer itself, side effects of conventional treatments, or emotional issues as lots of worries and fears. Many of us, Chinese medicine practitioners, feel overwhelmed by this and are afraid of treating oncology patients. We don’t need to be, as Chinese Medicine has a lot to offer.

To get you started on the path of supporting cancer patients, Dr Yair Maimon OMD, Dr Julia Hartung MD, & our Oncology Acupuncture team address the most common concerns practitioners have. The panel will also share simple and very effective tips for treating or giving advice to cancer patients. That will make a vast difference.

At the end of the webinar, we will take a couple of minutes to overview the Oncology Acupuncture Program, starting this March. After that, we will open the stage to questions & answers regarding the webinar and the program.

The panel will discuss the following questions:
☯ What is the role of acupuncture in treating cancer?
Do we treat the disease? The immune system? Or the side effects?
☯ I learned that acupuncture causes the spreading of cancer. Is that true?
☯ Are there any contraindications for treating cancer patients?

The panel will share their go-to tips in these areas
☯ Important points to know in the clinic.
☯ Diet recommendations.
☯ Lifestyle recommendations.

Learn more about the Oncology Acupuncture Program. The Next Semester starts on 5th March 2022.

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