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Duncan, M.Ac., L.Ac., Dipl.Ac.Alexandra Schmidt-Kirchhoff, Dipl.AcAmos Ziv L.AcBob Quinn, DAOM, LAcBrechtje SebregtsCAM TEAMCT Holman, M.S., L.Ac.Charles BuckClare FoleyDaniel Bensky, DO.Danny BlythDanny Van LaethemDavid HartmannDeborah Woolf, LicAc, MBAcC, MADeirdre CourtneyDr Hartung MD & Dr Maimon PhDDr Julian Scott PhD, Ac.Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel MDDr Santhosshi Narayan MDDr Yan Liu PhDDr. Bartosz Chmielnicki MDDr. Beverley de Valois, PhDDr. Butch Levy MD, L.AcDr. Edward NealDr. Gil Barzilay PhDDr. Hamid Montakab MDDr. Hui Zhang, PhDDr. Ilias Christidis MDDr. Jaden KimDr. John McDonald, PhDDr. Julia Hartung MDDr. Maimon & Dr. Hartung MDDr. Maimon & OA TeamDr. Michael Weber, M.D.Dr. Michelle Hamilton, L.Ac.Dr. Misha Cohen OMDDr. Netanella Miller MD & Keren SelaDr. Nguyen Hong, MD, M.ScDr. Olivia Pojer MDDr. Qing HUANG PhD, MMed, BMedDr. Reginaldo de Carvalho Silva Filho, PhDDr. Stephen Birch PhDDr. Tom Fleischer Ph.D, Dip.CMDr. Umberto Mazzanti MD, Acupuncturist, OsteopathDr. Yair Maimon PhD OMD Ac.Dr. Zhen Dominique HertzerElisabeth Rochat de la ValléeEric Raymond BuckleyEva-Marie JaneloEvan RabinowitzEyal ShpringerFelip CaudetGil Ton Ph.DGiovanni MaciociaGuy, TCM AcademyHadassah Hilewitz, ND, MS, FABNOHasina ErderHila YaffeHila Yaffe & Orit ZilbermanICCM2021Iman Majd MD, MS, L.Ac ABoIMIris AbarbanelIzabela MietkaJ. Ross & L. Tan-Bleinroth MDJennifer A. M. Stone MSOM, LAcJeremy RossJhonathan Ronen Dip C.M (I.A TCM)John Scott, DOM , Dipl.Ac.Karine KedarKatherine Taromina, DACM., L.Ac.Kelly HarringtonKeren SelaLaurie Regan, ND, PhDLillian Pearl BridgesLorie Eve DecharLouis GordonMaria JeskanenMarian Nielsen JoosMartine CornelissenMatthew Bauer, L.Ac., Dipl. O.M.Matthew WeitzmanMaya Suzuki, L.Ac.Mel Hopper Koppelman, DAc, MScMichael BrownMichael FitzGerald L.Ac.Michelle Bombacie & Kenna BouvetMiriam Raich & Anat TzacharNienke Stoop, MD, MAc,Nik HaverkampNora Giese, MScOfir MichaelisOshri Zisman Dipl. CM (I.A.TCM)Patricia BockPedro AlbuquerquePeter DeadmanPeter MolePeter Mole & Danny BlythPeter TorssellPhilipp HaasProf. Elad Schiff, MDProf. Gilad Amiel MDProf. Heiner Fruehauf Ph.D., L.Ac.Prof. Paul UnschuldProf. Qiang Cao & Dr. Yun XiaoProf. Xiaoshu ZhuProfessor Noah Samuels MDRachel Cheng, RCMP (Hong Kong)Rachel Pagones, DAOM, LAcRani AyalRebecca AvernRebecca Avern & Dr Yair Maimon PhDRobert Hayden, DACM, LAcSandro Graca, Lic. TCMSharon Bar-GilShaun Goodman, Dipl. Ac.Shay SharabiTCM AcademyTirza Paytan SelaTzafrir Nachmani Dip. AcWayne Jonas, M.D.Weidong Lu, MB, MPH, PHDYael Saslove L.AcYu Guo-JunZ'ev Rosenberg旭亮 Liam Yan CEU/CPD 1 Section Accessing the Healing Power of Thanksgiving Nienke Stoop, MD, MAc, Expressing gratitude, saying thanks, is an ancient way of strengthening relationships, harmonizing stressful situations and dissolving conflicts. It’s an open door to forgiveness, which is one of the most important gates to healing in life. 1 Section Integrating Acupuncture into Surgical Care Dr. Zhen Zheng Integrating acupuncture into the mainstream medicine requires more than evidence and willingness or positive attitudes of stakeholders. The process of integration is essentially a progress of implementation and requires knowledge and skills of implementation science. This framework will facilitate the uptake of perioperative use of acupuncture / acupressure to enable positive impact on patient outcome and reduce cost associated with management of PONV and postoperative pain. CEU/CPD 4 Sections The Science & Spirituality of a Heart-centred Practice Nienke Stoop, MD, MAc, Be the healer you aspire to be using clear intention, self-compassion and rooted in the Spirits During this training, we will explore both the science and the practical implementation of the ancient principle ‘Ben Shen’, being Rooted in the Spirits and how this can support you and your clients both in daily life and during (acupuncture) sessions. 1 Section Update on the ICD-11, WHO Meeting in Rothenburg 2019 Dr. Yair Maimon PhD OMD Ac. In this video Dr. Mimon, who has been a peer reviewer for this chapter in the last 6 years and has been involved in the dissemination process of the coding Chinese Medicine presents the first clinical implementation of the coding done at the WHO in the ICD-11 TM (Traditional Medicine) chapter. He presents the team work done at Refuot medical center with TCM practitioners: Guy Traiber, Elad Itzhakov, Noga Schwartzman demonstrating the strength, challenges and implementation of coding Chinese medicine. CEU/CPD 1 Section Accessing the Healing Power of Thanksgiving Nienke Stoop, MD, MAc, Expressing gratitude, saying thanks, is an ancient way of strengthening relationships, harmonizing stressful situations and dissolving conflicts. It’s an open door to forgiveness, which is one of the most important gates to healing in life. 1 Section Integrating Acupuncture into Surgical Care Dr. Zhen Zheng Integrating acupuncture into the mainstream medicine requires more than evidence and willingness or positive attitudes of stakeholders. The process of integration is essentially a progress of implementation and requires knowledge and skills of implementation science. This framework will facilitate the uptake of perioperative use of acupuncture / acupressure to enable positive impact on patient outcome and reduce cost associated with management of PONV and postoperative pain. CEU/CPD 4 Sections The Science & Spirituality of a Heart-centred Practice Nienke Stoop, MD, MAc, Be the healer you aspire to be using clear intention, self-compassion and rooted in the Spirits During this training, we will explore both the science and the practical implementation of the ancient principle ‘Ben Shen’, being Rooted in the Spirits and how this can support you and your clients both in daily life and during (acupuncture) sessions. 1 Section Update on the ICD-11, WHO Meeting in Rothenburg 2019 Dr. Yair Maimon PhD OMD Ac. In this video Dr. Mimon, who has been a peer reviewer for this chapter in the last 6 years and has been involved in the dissemination process of the coding Chinese Medicine presents the first clinical implementation of the coding done at the WHO in the ICD-11 TM (Traditional Medicine) chapter. He presents the team work done at Refuot medical center with TCM practitioners: Guy Traiber, Elad Itzhakov, Noga Schwartzman demonstrating the strength, challenges and implementation of coding Chinese medicine.